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Showing posts from July, 2009

Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest 2009

It was the showdown of a century, but not really. Everyone made a big deal out of Joey Chestnut as usual, which I don't quite understand. I have a hard time watching Joey eat, as he looks like he's about to puke with ever bite he takes. Anyway, they gave him the whole "American Hero" treatment, mentioned that everybody, save for me, was counting Kobayashi out of this contest since he lost last year, etc. Anyway, when the eating started, it was pretty obvious that Kobayashi wasn't doing well. I read earlier that he has TMJ, which makes chewing extremely painful, and earlier in the program, he mentioned that his new stradegy was to inhale the bread to eliminate chewing. This plan obviously didn't work. Skipping forward, Kobayashi never really took the lead this match. He was always two or three hotdogs behind, but it doesn't matter, as Kobayashi kicked Chestnut's butt in pizza eating earlier this year!

Happy Fourth of July!

It's that time again! No, not time to spin the Wheel of Morality, but time to watch the Hot Dog Eating Contest! Full coverage coming soon! Hopefully, it'll be a win for Takeru Kobayashi. Jeez, what a short post. I should probably apologize for a lack of updates as well. I've been suffering from major computer difficulties in the form of vurtumonde virus, and I may have to do a repair install to get my system up and running good again. It was a pain in the but to remove, so thanks to out to Malwarebytes for helping me in that regard, although I'm pretty sure there are still a few traces of it left, seeing as how system restore is still disabled. As such, updating these blogs has been difficult, but hopefully things will pick up soon. Check back often!