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Showing posts from March, 2011

Easiest Way to Help Quake Victims Ever!

Akira Toriyama (who did not die in the quake) has created a video in hopes of raising funds! This is a really easy way to get money to quake victims, even if you're wallet is thin. Why? Because all advertising revenue (created when you watch) will be donated. Easy, right? So click on the video and watch it! Don't forget to comment!

New Blog and a Phrasebook!

Okay, trying to move away from all the depressing news surrounding Japan's earthquake, I decided to promote my new blog, Den of Books . Den of Books, in concept, was originally a way for me to sell ebooks for cheap (once I got the rights to do so), because I hate ebooks and think they need to be sold for much, much less than they are. I especially wanted to find Japanese books and resell them for the purpose of sentence mining. However, said goal is rapidly deteriorating into a blog that reviews books and will occassionally offer something up for free download, or, if it's actually decent, for sale. When I come accross something that might help Japanese learners out there, I'll post it here, which is the reason I'm doing this now! Presenting... The Japanese phrasebook! While most of this book is pretty standard, I did like that it threw in some more colorful sentences towards the end. You know, stuff that you don't often come across, like, "I'll call the co

Stupid People on the Internet and Disaster .PDF

To be perfectly honest, I'm still in shock over this. I'm just thankful that my Japanese friends are safe, albeit a bit frightened. As I watched the horrific pictures and videos roll in, I was thinking to myself, "I want to help them. I should start a donation drive via Youtube or something. I mean, who wouldn't want to help?" Well, I got the answer to that while on a forum last night. That's right, there's jerks on the Internet. Click at your own risk , because this is just wrong on all sorts of levels. Granted, people like this exist everywhere, not just on the Internet. On that note, it's not just Americans, whites, blacks, Mexicans, men, women, atheists, Christians, or any other collective group; there's morons all over the place. Isn't it sad and sick? I know I shouldn't waste my breath (or my fingers' energy) on them, but it's just hard to take such senseless and heartless crap lying down, especially as my friends struggle to

Massive 8.9 Earthquake in Japan

You can pretty much get the news on this anywhere, so I'm just going to post some helpful links now that I've confirmed all my friends to be alive. This is one really bad quake, with a death toll of at least 1,000 last time I checked. Please keep these people in your thoughts/prayers! The earthquake was followed by a huge tsunami that drowned many, many people. Here's a person finder for anyone looking for someone. I typed in the first name "Akira" because I couldn't remember my friend's last name, and while he is safe, I read that Akira Toriyama, creator of DragonBall and its successors, has been reported dead. I hope that's note true, even though I'm not a fan of DragonBall. Here's the NHK stream , if you want to keep up. Google is also keeping up with it. Remember, if you believe a tsunami is headed your way, take cover! Don't take these things lightly! With that said, I'll have more information coming within the next few days.