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Showing posts from September, 2011

Should I Watch with Subtitles?

Many people feel uncomfortable with watching their favorite movies or TV shows without subtitles, afraid that they won't understand what's going on. However, they're also afraid that they won't be practicing listening if the subtitles are on. So, when you're learning Japanese, do you or don't you watch with the subtitles on. My answer might not be very popular on this one, but I think it's okay to go ahead and watch with subtitles if you're really not far into the language. Now, once you're getting better, I'd rather you watch with the Japanese closed captions if you can find them, or at least try watching a bit without subtitles. Here's how I first did it when I decided to wean myself off of subs: a.) Watch an episode of Tenchi Universe (I already knew the whole series inside and out, so following it wasn't a problem) and try to understand it. b.) Find scenes I had trouble with and turn the subs on. c.) Rewatch episode with subs if it r

There's No Wrong Way to Eat a Reece's (Or Learn a Language, for that Matter)

Long enough title for you? Okay, so after a bit of research, I noticed that there's a lot of keywords out there for "Textfugu vs. AJATT" and the very fact that those two are together in a search query makes me want to facepalm (I also made the mistake of mentioning AJATT in my review post), so I'm going to explain the various ways to learn a langauge, as they're all different, so maybe you'll have an idea as to how you'd like to try learning. This stuff will all be compiled in a lengthier, much more detailed book I'm writing, but for now let's just get a few things straight. Firstly, there's many different methods out there for learning a language, but they all basically can be simplified down to four categories: academic, input, output, or a mix of those three. That's it, and while everyone can claim that their method is different or better than all the others out there, you can always guarantee it will fall predominately into one of the f

Best Places to Buy Japanese Stuff

Buying foreign stuff tends to be a bit difficult sometimes, but luckily it can be pretty easy to find a whole plethora of Japanese goods if you only know where to look. I'm currently working on a book called Language Learning Roadmap which basically sets about to preparing a language learner for his/her journey by debunking popular myths, helping the person to understand his/her goals and their own style of learning, and then outlining the various methods of learning a language, whether it be the academic method (either classroom or self-taught), the input method, or the output method, followed by an outline of the method I use as an example of how you can mix and match methods to create something unique for yourself. Well, if you're predominately an inputter (think AJATT ) it can be a real pain sometimes trying to find stuff in Japanese, so I've created this list of various places to go shopping for Japanese items. I'm an affiliate for some of these website, and they