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Showing posts from January, 2011

There is NO Wrong Way to Eat a Reeces

I was debating whether to stick this in a blog post or not since I'm writing an ebook regarding languages (I'm not giving anything away yet), and I was going to cover this early on in the book. Regardless, I'm tired of hearing academics, fellow language enthusiasts, and psuedo intellectuals going on and on about how you have to have a "good" reason to learn a language or fail. They go on and on about their superior motivations ranging from "I'm learning X language because of my heritage!" or "I'm moving to X country and need to speak the language." They'll usually carry attitudes of, "You can't learn X language because of music, movies, TV, or books! That's not a good reason!" "Bullcrap!" is how I respond to that. You just need a reason to keep you learning, whatever that reason is. Sure, a lot of people who are learning Japanese because of anime tend to not do so good in class. In psychology it w